Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Turner Girls

Sarah (right) and Elizabeth (left) Turner are two of my good friends from Griffin. Sarah now goes to UGA and rocks the streets of Athens with her trendy style. Elizabeth is a senior at Spalding. Elizabeth recently signed with Elite Models and has already appeared in a full-page advertisement in Teen Vogue (http://www.urbainmodel.com/buzz.aspx)!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I want to make commercials like this!!


Friday, January 1, 2010


You say there's nothing to do in Atlanta, Macon, or Columbus? Welcome to Griffin.

10 Years Since My Obsession with My Yellow Gap Hoodie

WOW. The past decade has seriously come and gone in the blink of an eye. I can remember "the millenium" so vividly! I thought the world was going to end and spent the entire night after we got back from the Krepps wondering back from my parent's and Corley's room cause I was that afraid I would be left behind. This New Years Eve was a great one. I must admit that I was a bit of a bum due to lack of sleep the prior night BUT I got to go over to Braden Buckner's house where i found my dear friend Meg Abbott looking..well..banging.

Meg's clothes came from an assortment of places, including Old Navy, J. Crew, Gap, and Fetish...and her awesome new watch is a Bulova from Santa Claus.

Braden's was awesome but I needed some sleep so I went on back to my place to catch some shut-eye before being summoned by some good-looking, well-dressed people downtown. It ended up being a very sober, very enjoyable, very funny New Years Eve.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

*I Promise This is a Men's Fashion Blog*

As I sit here on my perfect chair, cuddled up in my newly knitted afghan, listening to Schnauzer Jack breath hard, I almost feel bad for rushing away from all the comforts of this house but the state of this blog proves that I must do so. I've put up some posts I like a lot this Christmas, but the fact is that stylish young men don't really reside in Griffin. I plan to refocus the blog when I return to Athens and really concentrate on men's fashion. Tonight, however, I've broken my rule of taking all pictures on my camera and done some Falking (Facebook stalking) of friends from Athens who have dressed to impress over the holidays.

Hunter Parrish

I'm not going to lie, I was kind of excited when my parent's packed me, Corley, and our friend Laing up to head to see "It's Complicated" on Saturday. It was a truly excellent movie. Nancy Meyers stayed true to her style- placing the characters in a beautiful home and furnishing them with great clothes. I enjoyed watching the character "Luke", played by Hunter Parrish, for his style. Whoever picked out this guys clothing really mastered the "I look great, but don't give a shit" look.

Paul Beck

The famous (or infamous?) Paul Beck might just be to blame for these freakishly warm winter days. I was incredibly jealous when I saw Paul's new Burberry trench coat. I've wanted one forEVER but Paul really pulls it off better than I could ever hope to. The carmel-colored chords are also pretty sweet..I actually bought some similar ones at Urban Outfitters yesterday. The tweed jacket and pale-pink button down definitely work. Did you tie your own bow tie Paul?! I'm definitely going to need some lessons when we get back to Athens.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


It's not everyday that you find a girl like Mary Catherine Matheny. MC, a life-long resident of Athens and recent graduate of the University of Georgia, currently works at Heery's Clothes Closet in downtown Athens and has done great things to further Heery's presence on the internet. She ALWAYS looks good. MC's unique style and fire-cracker personality come together to make one attractive girl and a great friend. MC's hobbies include photography, drinking wine, and watching gossip girl with the hottest stud in Athens.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Boot(iful) Ann Trammell

Ann. Trammell. Newton. three names combined to make one stylish girl. Ann Trammell, my carpool buddy and former circus ringmaster, and has been a style icon since she resided in her stylish mothers womb. Ann is always dressed-to-impress and pulls of looks that not all girls are able to pull off. I love Ann and her family and these pictures were taken at their yearly Christmas party.
Clothing: Boots by Old Gringo, Jeans by J. Brand, Bow from Anthropology, Blouse and Jacket by J. Crew, and watch by Toy Watch.

Lauren Moore is featured in a picture with Ann Trammell. Lauren was essentially the style icon of Spalding High. She always looks good regardless of what she is doing. You might catch Lauren kayaking the nearest river, climbing the biggest rocks, or zipping around Auburn or Griffin in her Edward Cullen-style Volvo.
Clothing: Didn't get to ask Lauren (email me if you see this)

I am the stud chilling on the couch.
Clothing: Shoes by Johnson and Murphy, Jeans by Gap, Sweater by Ralph Lauren, Shirt by Ralph Lauren, Watch by Hamilton.