Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Boot(iful) Ann Trammell

Ann. Trammell. Newton. three names combined to make one stylish girl. Ann Trammell, my carpool buddy and former circus ringmaster, and has been a style icon since she resided in her stylish mothers womb. Ann is always dressed-to-impress and pulls of looks that not all girls are able to pull off. I love Ann and her family and these pictures were taken at their yearly Christmas party.
Clothing: Boots by Old Gringo, Jeans by J. Brand, Bow from Anthropology, Blouse and Jacket by J. Crew, and watch by Toy Watch.

Lauren Moore is featured in a picture with Ann Trammell. Lauren was essentially the style icon of Spalding High. She always looks good regardless of what she is doing. You might catch Lauren kayaking the nearest river, climbing the biggest rocks, or zipping around Auburn or Griffin in her Edward Cullen-style Volvo.
Clothing: Didn't get to ask Lauren (email me if you see this)

I am the stud chilling on the couch.
Clothing: Shoes by Johnson and Murphy, Jeans by Gap, Sweater by Ralph Lauren, Shirt by Ralph Lauren, Watch by Hamilton.

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